Sepolia (11155111)
Custom software, Javascript, WebGL
Variable dimensions, silent
Mostly downwards, mostly gray.
“Descent” is an attempt to represent depth using only characters from the code page 437 (CP437 for short, or “extended ASCII”).
The viewer is taken on an infinite journey along a column made of characters; the characters lose their original meaning and become shapes, structure.
i toggle info
↓↑ change scale
n toggle noise/glitch
s toggle shading
f toggle colors
p save 1× .png image
P save 4× .png image
t save 2d scene as .txt file
v save voxel data as .txt file
c hide cursor
f enter fullscreen
Some visual settings can be set or changed through URL parameters; especially values for scale and fps will help adapt the project to different display sizes by adjusting character height and playback speed.
**URL parameters**
scale pixel scaling
fps frame rate cap
canvasWidth force canvas width
canvasHeight force canvas height
noShading disable shading
noNoise disable noise/glitch
noColor disable color
bgColor background color (0x000)
voxelWidth voxel width
voxelHeight voxel height
texture custom texture (FTS)